Dr. Carey Yazeed is excited to announce that she will begin hosting monthly virtual safe spaces for professional women to exhale about workplace issues. These spaces will allow participants an opportunity to discuss issues they are facing in the work place, while receiving feedback and support from their peers and Dr. Yazeed.
Safe Space Information:
The next Safe Space is Tuesday, October 22nd at 7pm EST via Zoom. This session will NOT be recorded for privacy reasons.
The cost to participate is $65.00.
Space is limited to 5 participants to ensure everyone has an opportunity to share.
Professional women who are experiencing the following in the workplace should attend:
- Discrimination (racial, gender, religious, age)
- Harassment (includes sexual)
- Microaggressions
- Have been passed over for a promotion
- Have been abruptly let go from their job
- Under paid
- Assault (physical or sexual)
Why You Should Attend:
*Engage in meaningful discussions about current issues, challenges, and successes in your professional life.
*Receive feedback and insights from peers, offering invaluable perspectives.
*A sacred space that allows professionals to exhale, while fostering resilience and growth.
What makes Dr. Yazeed qualified to facilitate a group of this nature:
Dr. Carey Yazeed previously worked as a mental health therapist; owning a private practice for 20 years, where she specialized in providing counseling services to women survivors of trauma and abuse. Since closing her practice in 2016, Dr. Yazeed has worked in the capacity of a behavioral scientist – collecting and analyzing data that pertains to women and trauma in the workplace, and employee wellbeing. She holds a Bachelor Degree in Psychology from Southern University, a Master Degree in Social Work from Tulane University, and a Ph.D. in Higher Education Leadership and Research from Louisiana State University.
If you are interested in participating in this upcoming Safe Space click here to register.
If you would like to discuss your work issues with Dr. Yazeed in a 1-one-1 private session, please select from the following:
30 minutes private session click here to schedule
1 hour private session click here to schedule
Please feel free to share this information with other professionals who are experiencing micro-aggressions, discrimination, harassment, etc in the work place and need a safe space to be seen and heard.
If you would like to sponsor someone to attend a Safe Space, please send an email to drcareyyazeed@ithinkchangeagency.com
DISCLAIMER: This is not a mental health session, and should not be utilized as a substitute for therapy.